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自驾游加油车型推荐英文,自驾游 英文


  1. 加油的英语单词咋写?
  2. 加油的英语单词咋写?


come on !,go,go,go! fighting![来自韩剧] to make extra effort /to cheer *** on 书面语cheer on 对..高呼加油 cheer for 为..加油OLE!OLE!大多时候用于足球比赛Just do it!Go for it!Go ahead! 都包含了加油的意思work with added vigour 加油干root for 也是 为某人加油cheer up 有别人在失败后叫人振作的加油和鼓励之意

Come on,百度翻译结果如图:扩展资料【例句】1,小华,加油!Come on, Xiao Hua! 2,这个拐角将是设立一个加油站的好地点。This corner would make a good location for a gas station. 3,你知道我一直在为你加油。You know I've been pulling for you. 4,你可以到街那头的加油站试试。You might try the gas station down the street 5,我们在加油站停下来,因我们需要加油。We stopped at the filling station because we needed gasoline.

自驾游加油车型推荐英文,自驾游 英文


Come on,百度翻译结果如图:扩展资料【例句】1,小华,加油!Come on, Xiao Hua! 2,这个拐角将是设立一个加油站的好地点。This corner would make a good location for a gas station. 3,你知道我一直在为你加油。You know I've been pulling for you. 4,你可以到街那头的加油站试试。You might try the gas station down the street 5,我们在加油站停下来,因我们需要加油。We stopped at the filling station because we needed gasoline.

come on !,go,go,go! fighting![来自韩剧] to make extra effort /to cheer *** on 书面语cheer on 对..高呼加油 cheer for 为..加油OLE!OLE!大多时候用于足球比赛Just do it!Go for it!Go ahead! 都包含了加油的意思work with added vigour 加油干root for 也是 为某人加油cheer up 有别人在失败后叫人振作的加油和鼓励之意


自驾游加油车型推荐英文,自驾游 英文
自驾游加油车型推荐英文,自驾游 英文
